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Meet our everyday Kings & Queens

The Northbank Business Improvement District invites you to thank our local heroes who continually support our community but went above and beyond during the pandemic through their acts of kindness.

Read their stories and help us to celebrate our everyday kings and queens.


Jill Van Rest – Rooms Division Manager at Strand Palace

The Northbank BID honours this everyday Queen, Jill and the team at Strand Palace.

During the first lockdown, Strand Palace remained opened for key workers. During this time, they housed the Ministry of Defence (MoD), who were supporting the NHS during critical times of the pandemic. Many of their staff were furloughed, however, a handful of team members remained on, all from various departments, working on a rota to ensure the hotel could continue to operate.

Their Finance team were checking in guests, IT was serving breakfast and Security was helping Housekeeping make beds! It was incredibly humbling to see a team really come together and make such an uncertain time for all, such a positive one.

Service obviously comes naturally to anyone in their industry, but the service Jill and the team provided through the pandemic was more personal, they were all in it together.




Martin Espindola – Tango Terra

The Northbank BID honours this everyday King, Martin for his work at Covent Garden Foodbank.

Martin ran an Argentinian tango evening, until COVID 19 hit. Overnight his income disappeared however as soon as he heard about the Covent Garden Foodbank, he asked what he could do to help. Martin was out there 3 times a week delivering ready meals to the vulnerable on his moped and he said he would continue to do so as long as he was needed.

Phil Walls – Manager of Covent Garden Food Bank says, “I really couldn’t have done it without him”








Ashok Sharma – Northbank BID Security Officer

The Northbank BID honour this everyday King and his colleagues at the Northbank Safety Officers Team. Day to day, the team conduct patrols across the District dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour and drug-related offences, supporting the businesses and working closely alongside with Met police. Ashok and his colleagues predominantly focus on engaging with the street population and working in partnership with the businesses across the district to prevent crime. This role was vital during the Covid-19 pandemic in helping ensure safety in the area.








Hannah Liptrot – Royal National Lifeboat Institution  

The Northbank BID honours this everyday Queen, Hannah and the team at the RNLI. The RNLI charity saves lives at sea through lifeboat search and rescue, lifeguards, water safety education and flood rescue. Hannah was intrinsic in keeping the RNLI Tower Lifeboat, based under Waterloo Bridge on service throughout the pandemic. Tower Lifeboat launched 453 number times, rescuing 56 people and saving the lives of 23 people since January 2020. Without Hannah’s commitment, passion and enthusiasm to Save Lives at Sea 24/7/365, often selflessly ensuring she is available at extremely short notice, our vital RNLI Lifesaving Service would be under great pressure.









Jimmy Furre – Seven Dials Club

The Northbank BID honours this everyday King, Jimmy for his work at Covent Garden Foodbank.

Jim was just starting to make a name for himself as a comedy promoter. He was raised in Covent Garden and continues to live there. Like Martin, when COVID arrived his income disappeared overnight and he supported the foodbank with deliveries.

Phil Walls – Manager of Covent Garden Food Bank says,

“Jim was there whenever I need him whether it was to do deliveries or help me at CGCC. If I was having a grumpy day Jim was the one who would always put a smile on my face”






Mohammed Duqow – Northbank Security Officer

The Northbank BID honour this everyday King and his colleagues at the Northbank Safety Officers Team. Day to day, the team conduct patrols across the District dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour and drug related offences, supporting the businesses and working closely alongside Met police. Mo and his colleagues predominantly focus on engaging with the street population and working in partnership with the businesses across the district to prevent crime. This role was vital during the Covid-19 pandemic in helping ensure safety in the area.









Peter Mason – Connections at St Martins

The Northbank BID honours this everyday King, Peter and the Connection at St Martin’s team.

Peter Mason has worked in homelessness for the past 30 years. He is representing the entire team at The Connection as a local hero. Everyone at the Connection adapted so quickly during the pandemic, moving from working at a day centre to either running accommodation or working remotely and maintaining contact with people throughout.

The measures taken worked, instances of infection were incredibly low throughout the homelessness population and, in Westminster, everyone in hotels was given a move on option and so no one returned to the streets.

Quotes from service users:

“You really care about us and that is the most important. When you call, I cannot believe that there is somebody that cares about me.”

“Not even my family have spoken to me during this time, but you care I am alive and want to help make my life better.”

“I want to start making changes. I finally realise I have a problem that is not going to change unless I start working on myself and wanting to live a different life. When this pandemic is over, I feel ready to make changes.”

“Thanks for all your help and care. You broke my barriers down and I learnt to trust you all. You have all done a blinding job, I can’t thank you enough.”



Inspector Ellen Lovatt – Westminster Neighbourhood Policing, MET Police

The Northbank BID honours this everyday Queen, Ellen.

From the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, the BID worked in close partnership with the local Police teams to tackle crime and keep the area safe and secure. With increased pressures that came with making sure Westminster was safe during the lockdown, the BID would like to thank Ellen and all the Police teams who worked to keep our businesses safe whilst we were away.









Marcello Stingo – Northbank BID Security Officer

The Northbank BID honour this everyday King and his colleagues at the Northbank Safety Officers Team. Day to day, the team conduct patrols across the District dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour and drug related offences, supporting the businesses and working closely alongside Met police. Marcello and his colleagues predominantly focus on engaging with the street population and working in partnership with the businesses across the district to prevent crime. This role was vital during the Covid-19 pandemic in helping ensure safety in the area.








Carl Konadu – CEO of 2-3 Degrees

The Northbank BID honours this everyday King and the team at 2-3 Degrees. Carl is cofounder of 2-3 Degrees, a social enterprise that inspires and equips young people with the personal development skills they need for the future through inspirational programmes and workshops. In just four years they’ve worked with over 5,000 young people across the UK and particularly in Westminster where their flagship programme Mastering My Future has taken place. During the first national lockdown, 2-3 Degrees offered free weekly online ‘Stay Ready’ workshops, such as staying positive, self-mental health and, in partnership with companies including Microsoft, Google, TikTok and local organisations. Carl and his hard work were also recognised in the New Year’s 2021 Honours List. See more about 2-3 Degrees here.








Al Kassim – Royal National Lifeboat Institution  

The Northbank BID honours this everyday King, Al and the team at the RNLI. Much like his colleague Hannah, Al was intrinsic in keeping the RNLI Tower Lifeboat, based under Waterloo Bridge on service throughout the pandemic. Tower Lifeboat launched 453 number times, rescuing 56 people and saving the lives of 23 people since January 2020. Without Al’s commitment, passion and enthusiasm to Save Lives at Sea 24/7/365, often selflessly ensuring he is available at extremely short notice, our vital RNLI Lifesaving Service would be under far greater pressure.








Umit Atayan – Northbank BID Security Manager

The Northbank BID honour this everyday King and his colleagues at the Northbank Safety Officers Team. Day to day, the team conduct patrols across the District dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour and drug-related offences, supporting the businesses and working closely alongside Met police. Umit and his team predominantly focus on engaging with the street population and working in partnership with the businesses across the district to prevent crime. This role was vital during the Covid-19 pandemic in helping ensure safety in the area.



21 June 2021 - 20 September 2021


21 June 2021
20 September 2021

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20 February 2025

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15 May 2025

On-Street Security Briefings

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