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WCC – Licensing Policy Consultation

Westminster City Council is updating its Licensing Policy and they want to know what you think.

The Licensing Policy aims to support licensed premises, while preventing crime and disorder, ensuring public safety and protecting children from harm. Under the Licensing Act 2003, the Council is required to review its policy by January 2021. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, they are proposing to maintain, where possible their current policy approach.

Changes to Cumulative Impact Zones
The policy review is based in part on a Cumulative Impact Assessment. This research tells us if there are areas in the City where additional restrictions are needed. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, they are proposing to maintain, where possible, their current policy approach. They are taking into consideration the fact that the sector needs time to recover and feel that increased restrictions would not be appropriate.

The revised policy retains the existing West End Cumulative Impact Zone, except for the North East area beyond Covent Garden.

Edgware Road and Queensway/Bayswater have been removed from the zone. Instead, there is a new Special Consideration Zone for these areas and other parts of the West End, Victoria and Mayfair. This allows new licences to be granted, as long as businesses demonstrate how they will manage and mitigate local issues.

Other changes include:

  • an expectation for licensed premises to promote inclusion in Westminster’s night-time economy
  • a revised Protection of Children from Harm policy to make safeguarding a key consideration
  • a revised ‘core hours’ policy, based on premises use rather than licensable activities
  • a change to the way they present their policies
  • replacement of the ‘Theatres, Cinemas, Other Performance Venues and Qualifying Clubs Policy’ with two new policies: one for ‘Cinemas, Cultural Venues, Live Sporting Premises and Outdoor Spaces’ and another for ‘Qualifying Clubs’.

For Westminster’s full consultation details and how to let them know what you think, go to:

            Consultation closes:    Sunday 15 November 2020.

If you have any questions, Westminster are holding virtual Q&A sessions

  • Monday 19 October, 17.00 – (this question and answer session is for businesses)
  • Monday 26 October, 16:00 – (this question and answer session is for residents)